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Belogradchik, a Bulgarian Marvel

Belogradchik and the Baba Vida Fortress. A great option on a river cruise.

Ever heard of Belogradchik? You’re not alone! This 7,000-person Bulgarian town is not exactly well-known but, just because it’s not an obvious stop, that doesn’t mean that it’s a place to sleep on. The country of Bulgaria is northeast of Greece and to the west of Turkey, and the city of Belogradchik is in the far northwest corner of the country, situated about 50km south of the Danube River. The name Belogradchik literally means “small, white town,” and the draw to Belogradchik is not only its unmatched natural landmarks but also its legendary fortress.

The Belogradchik Rocks are unique, sky-reaching rock formations made primarily of sandstone at the foot of the Balkan Mountains. With some of the rocks reaching up to 200m (656 feet) in height, they are an imposing figure. Formed from years of erosion, the rocks have steep vertical slopes. In addition, their colors range from yellow to red, making them pleasing to view. Many are named for people they are thought to resemble, such as Adam and Eve or the Shepherd Boy, and several are attached to fantastic legends or history. For example, the story of a particular rock named The Schoolgirl says that a schoolgirl was once being chased by both a dervish and a bear. Being chased by both, one because he loved her and the other because he wanted to eat her, she became hopeless and fell to her knees. A loud thunder was heard and night fell. When light shone again, all three were rock formations now known respectively as The Schoolgirl, The Bear (in front of her), and The Dervish (behind her). Over the years, the rocks have become quite the tourist destination. Not only that, but several towns have utilized them as a part of their defense against intruders.

Another popular Bulgarian tourist attraction is the Baba Vida Fortress, also utilized for intrusion defense. The name of the castle means “Granny Vida,” and the fortress is said to have been built in the 10th century by Vida, the unmarried daughter of a Danubian Bulgarian king. The fortress has played roles in battles with Byzantines, Hungarians, and Ottomans and has also served as a weapons warehouse and prison. Today, Baba Vida is a museum. Its structure is surrounded by a moat which is sometimes filled with water from the Danube and contains nine corners. Because it is one of the most well-preserved medieval structures in Europe, it is often the site of film-making.

Admittedly, Bulgaria may not be on your travel bucket list and an even smaller probability that Belogradchik is. However, if given the chance to go, it’s something you definitely don’t want to miss out on. A visit to The Belogradchik Rocks is really a visit to old friends like The Schoolgirl and The Bear, and a trip to the Baba Vida Fortress will bring to life how Bulgarians from centuries past lived. For both the nature lover and the history buff, Belogradchik is not to be missed.

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